Joong-Gun Tul - fr

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Main Menu Tuls / Joong-Gun Tul - fr Examen 4ème Kup

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Required for: 3rd Kup
Meaning: Jung-Geun or Joong-Gun ( 중근 / 重根 ) is named after the patriot Ahn Joong-Gun who assassinated Itō Hirobumi, the first Japanese governor-general of Korea, known as the man who played the leading part in the Korea-Japan merger. There are 32 movements in this pattern to represent Mr Ahn's age when he was executed at Lui-Shung Prison in 1910.
Note: Ahn Jung-Geun was born on 16 July 1879 and was executed on 26 March 1910, so was in fact 30 years old at his death. (or 31 by Korean counting since in Korea newborns are considered to be 1 year old)
    Start/End in X

 NW ------ X ------ NE
 SW --------------- SE
Movements: 32
Start position: MOA JUNBI SOGI B
Slow motion : 27, 29, 30
Fast motion : 15-16, 18-19

Ready Stances - MOA JUNBI SOGI B facing S

  1. Move the left foot to NE forming a right L-stance while executing a middle block to NE with the left reverse knife-hand - NIUNJA SOGI KAUNDE SONKAL DUNG BAKURO TAERIGI
  2. Execute a low side front snap kick to NE with the left foot keeping the position of the hands - NAJUNDE YOP APCHA BUSIGI
  3. Lower the left foot to NE, then move the right foot to NE to form a left rear foot stance toward NE while executing an upward block with the right palm - DWITBAL SOGI SONDABAK BANDAE OLLYO MAKGI
  4. Move the RIGHT foot to NW forming a LEFT L-stance while executing a middle block to NE with the RIGHT reverse knife-hand - NIUNJA SOGI KAUNDE SONKAL DUNG BAKURO TAERIGI
  5. Execute a low side front snap kick to NW with the right foot keeping the position of the hands - NAJUNDE YOP APCHA BUSIGI
  6. Lower the right foot to NW, then move the left foot to NW to form a right rear foot stance toward NW while executing an upward block with the left palm - DWITBAL SOGI SONDABAK BANDAE OLLYO MAKGI
  7. Move the left foot to S forming a right L-stance toward S while executing a middle guarding block to S with knife-hands - NIUNJA SOGI KAUNDE SONKAL DAEBI MAKGI
  8. Execute a right elbow strike to S while forming a left walking stance keeping the left foot to S - GUNNUN SOGI WI PALKUP TAERIGI
  9. # Move the right foot to S forming a left L-stance toward S while executing a middle guarding block to S with knife-hands - NIUNJA SOGI KAUNDE SONKAL DAEBI MAKGI
  10. Execute a left elbow strike to S while forming a right walking stance keeping the left foot to S - GUNNUN SOGI WI PALKUP TAERIGI
  11. Move the left foot to S to form a left walking stance while executing a high vertical punch to S with both fists - GUNNUN SOGI NOPUNDE SANG JOOMUK SEWO JIRUGI
  12. Move the right foot to S to form a right walking stance while executing an upset punch to S with both fists - GUNNUN SOGI SANG JOOMUK DWIJIBO JIRUGI
  13. Move the right foot on the line N-S, then turn counter-clockwise to form a left walking stance to N while executing a rising crossed fists block - GUNNUN SOGI KYOCHA JOOMUK CHHOKYO MAKGI
  14. Move the left foot to SW forming a right L-stance while executing a high side strike to SW with the left back fist - NIUNJA SOGI NOPUNDE DUNG JOOMUK YOP TAERIGI
  15. Twist the left fist counter-clockwise until the back fist faces downward, while slipping the left foot to SW forming a left walking stance toward SW - JAEP SYUL TAE
  16. Maintaining the left walking stance to SW, execute a high punch to SW with the right fist - GUNNUN SOGI NOPUNDE BAEDAE JIRUGI
  17. Bring the left foot back to the right foot, then move the right foot to SE forming a left L-stance while executing a high side strike to SE with the right back fist - NIUNJA SOGI NOPUNDE DUNG JOOMUK YOP TAERIGI
  18. Twist the right fist counter-clockwise until the back fist faces downward, while slipping the right foot to SE forming a right walking stance toward SE - JAEP SYUL TAE
  19. Maintaining the right walking stance to SE, execute a high punch to SW with the left fist - GUNNUN SOGI NOPUNDE BAEDAE JIRUGI
  20. Bring the right foot back to the left foot, then move the left foot to N forming a left walking stance to N while executing a high block to N with a left double forearm - GUNNUN SOGI NOPUNDE DOO PALMOK MAKGI
  21. Pull the left foot to S to form a right L-stance to N while executing a left middle punch to N - NIUNJA SOGI KAUNDE AP JOOMUK BANDAE JIRUGI
  22. Execute a middle side piercing kick to N with the right foot - KAUNDE YOPCHA JIRUGI
  23. Lower the right foot to N forming a right walking stance to N while executing a high block to N with the right double forearm - GUNNUN SOGI NOPUNDE DOO PALMOK MAKGI
  24. Pull the right foot to S to form a left L-stance to N while executing a right middle punch to N - NIUNJA SOGI KAUNDE AP JOOMUK BANDAE JIRUGI
  25. Execute a middle side piercing kick to N with the left foot - KAUNDE YOPCHA JIRUGI
  26. Lower the left foot to N to form a right L-stance toward N while executing a middle guarding block to N with the forearm - NIUNJA SOGI KAUNDE PALMOK DAEBI MAKGI
  27. Slow motion : execute a pressing block with the right palm while forming a left low stance to N by slipping the left foot to N - NACHUO SOGI SONDABAK NOOLLO MAKGI
  28. Move the right foot to N to form a left L-stance toward N while executing a middle guarding block to N with the forearm - NIUNJA SOGI KAUNDE PALMOK DAEBI MAKGI
  29. Slow motion : execute a pressing block with the left palm while forming a left low stance to N by slipping the right foot to N - NACHUO SOGI SONDABAK NOOLLO MAKGI
  30. Slow motion : bring the left foot to the right foot forming a closed stance toward NE while executing an angle punch with the right fist - MOA SOGI KYOKCHA JIRUGI
  31. Move the right foot to NE to form a right fixed stance toward NE while executing a U-shape block to NE - GOGUNG SOGI DIGUTJA MAKGI
  32. Bring the right foot back to the left foot, then move the left foot to NW to form a left fixed stance toward NW while executing a U-shape block to NW - GOGUNG SOGI DIGUTJA MAKGI

End : Bring the left foot to the ready stance MOA JUNBI SOGI B facing S

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